The doctor confirmed to us on Wednesday the 28th of August 2019 that the worst had happened. Our baby's heart had stopped beating, our baby was gone. The next day my wife did amazingly and brought Billie into the world. It was only then, in Room Eleven of the hospital ward, that we discovered we had a little baby girl. It was the happiest and most heartbreaking moment of our lives.

Holding your newborn baby knowing it will be the last time you ever hold them is difficult to put into words. You're elated to be holding your baby and you never want the moment to end, but at the same time devastated thinking about a life that could have been and all the great moments and memories that will never be.

Billie is the first grandchild and great grandchild on both sides of our family, she was incredibly loved and spoilt before she was even born, and she is missed by the entire family, including her new younger brother.

We hope that in some way, Billie knows how much she is loved by her Mum and Dad. No matter how tough times may get, the love and happiness she gave us will stay with us forever. She will never be forgotten and we will make sure Billie is remembered by all, and will always be part of our family.

Continue on your journey dear girl and take with you our love and may you rest in peace.

Many people believe that being strong and brave when grieving a loved one means to think and talk about something else, to distract ourselves from the grief. But being strong and brave means thinking and talking about the ones we've lost.

The name of your baby is a magic word. Speak it, think it, and remember it.

The loss of Billie has instilled in us a purpose to do all we can to raise awareness and funds for research into Stillbirth. To ensure Billie is not forgotten, and that her name will become part of the legacy that contributes to lowering the rate of Stillbirth.